Vietnam War Book Reviews

The Phoenix Program
The Phoenix Program
Doug Valentine’s book lifts the lid on the controversial operational methods and tactics employed by the Phoenix Program during the Vietnam War.
With his uniquely insightful new autobiographical book Prodigals, Colonel Richard Taylor has earned a place in the fraternity of great Vietnam veteran authors.
The Naked Warriors:  The Story of the U.S. Navy’s Frogmen
The Naked Warriors: The Story of the U.S. Navy’s Frogmen
I'm really beginning to appreciate the Naval Institute Press. Sure, it was Naval Institute Press that published The Hunt For Red October, and unleashed Tom Clancy on the world. I really wish they hadn't done that, since I'm jealous of Clancy's wealth, and resent his success on the grounds that he's not a veteran of military service.
Across The Fence
Across The Fence
Vietnam SOG recon veteran John Stryker Meyer has joined other noted Special Forces authors such as John Plaster and Frank Greco with his first full account of his time Across The Fence with Spike Team Idaho.
Fire From The Sky
Fire From The Sky
Noted historian and naval aviator Capt. Richard Knott's latest offering, Fire From The Sky, details the operations of the Seawolves, the U.S. Navy's only helicopter gunship unit of the Vietnam War.
The Men Behind The Trident: SEAL Team One In Vietnam
The Men Behind The Trident: SEAL Team One In Vietnam
Back when BTL was a new publication, I reviewed Daryl Young's The Element of Surprise, and if I remember correctly, I lamented the fact that there were so few books out about the Navy Seals. Things sure have changed since then. The eagle, anchor, flintlock and trident Naval Special Warfare badge, otherwise know as the Budweiser, seems to be appearing on a new book cover every week.
Kontum: Command and Control
Kontum: Command and Control
Vietnam special forces veteran Frank Greco recently published Kontum: Command & Control as a follow up to his highly acclaimed first book Running Recon.
MIA Rescue: LRRP Manhunt in the Jungle
MIA Rescue: LRRP Manhunt in the Jungle
Kregg Jorgenson is a friend and BTL colleague, and I admire his writing. I had to say that right out, just to be honest. With my prejudices out in the open, let me get on to reviewing his book, MIA Rescue: LRRP Manhunt in the jungle. I will try to find some nits to pick, in order to cover my ass against charges of hyping a friend's book.
Unfriendly Fire: A Mother's Memoir
Unfriendly Fire: A Mother's Memoir
Back in September (1995) I attended the Kokomo, Indiana 10th Annual Vietnam Veterans Rally. Met a lot of brothers and ran into an occasional dyed in the wool phoney. But the highlight of the weekend was meeting Vietnam era God Star mother and authoress Peg Mullen. During the course of our conversation Peg was kind enough to autograph a copy of her book, UNFRIENDLY FIRE: A Mother's Memoir, for me and I was grateful enough to promise her a review in the next issue of BTL. Well, Peg, I didn't let you down.
Night Work
Night Work
The author's second novel in a trilogy to be published by Ivy books, Night Work is the continuing saga of Jim Hollister, Long Range Patrol officer in Vietnam. Having reviewed Foley's first novel, Long Range Patrol, in a previous issue of BTL, I felt it was my duty to pass judgement on the author's second effort.
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